Mobile Training Center at Salcedo Eastern Samar

Day 01, 75 participants participate on Mobile Training Center under community base training for parents at Salcedo Eastern Samar with EIM Trainors Sir Leoncio Santos Jr., of Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati, Carpentry Trainor Sir Kevin Tauto – an of Don Bosco Boys Home Training Center, Lilioan Cebu Masonry Sir Joshua Jamili Don Bosco…

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5th UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training

Bandung, Indonesia. DB One TVET presented two papers in the 5th UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training last September 11 and 12. Dr. Marc Laurenze Celis and Engr. Armand Marquez of Don Bosco Makati presented the paper, “The Role of Industry Partners in Skills Development and Graduate Employability”. Meanwhile, Dr. Celis…

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BOSH Batch 2

50 participants coming from the TVET Centers of the FIS and FIN province attended the Basic Occupational Safety and Health Training Batch 2 together with the resource speaker Mr. Ismael M Lambino, PTRP, CSP, CTOSH held at El Cielito Hotel in Makati City.

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Deputy Director Tonny Pongoh of Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic in Jakarta Indonesia visited Don Bosco Technical Institute Makati City

Deputy Director Tonny Pongoh of Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic in Jakarta Indonesia visited Don Bosco Technical Institute Makati City to meet with Fr. Jose Dindo S. Vitug, SDB to discuss exchange in student, faculty, and research between the Indonesian Institution and the Don Bosco One TVET Philippines, Inc.

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