Don Bosco FIS Trainers undergo TM1 Training
The Trainers’ Methodology 1 (TM1) training for Cebu based instructors and Salesians assigned in TVET Centers (DB Liloan, DB Balamban and DB Pasil) started last November 06, 2017 and ended till December 21, 2017. The TM1 training is a prerequisite to obtain the NTTC or National TVET Trainer Certificate. This qualifies the holder to be able to teach in a TVET Center. (This is equivalent more or less the to the LET or Licensure Exams for Teachers required by DepED to be able to teach in a Basic Education).
Out of 18 participants, 11 instructors passed the Trainers Methodology 1. They been assessed as competent in both COC1 -Deliver Training Session and COC2- Conduct Competency Assessment. 7 will retake whatever COC they have not been competent.
Many Salesians have taken to heart the ministry for the poor in our TVET Centers by qualifying themselves in different qualifications (NCs, TM1 and NTTC) as an answer to the fast turnover of Instructors. The licenses of the Salesians will keep our TVET Programs running even with the departure of our instructors for greener pastures.
As of January 2018, we have 5 SDBs with NTTCs (Carpentry NCII, SMAW NCII, MSES NCII, SMAW NCII, SMAW NC III, Automotive Servicing NCII, Driving NCII), 3 SDBs with Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing NCII, 5 SDBs with SMAW NCII, 3 SDBs with Computer System Servicing NCII, 3 SDBs with Carpentry NCII, 2 SDBs with PV System Installation NCII (Solar Panels), 2 SDBs with Automotive NCII, 1 SDB with SMAW NCIII, 1 SDB with Machining NCII, 1 SDB with Dressmaking NCII and 1 SDB with Horticulture NCII. This was a resolution taken in the August 2016 Technical Directors’ Meeting at Lourdes Parish.
We thank our Technical Directors past and present for having most of our programs UTPRAS accredited. How ever this has been a challenge for Don Bosco TVET Center Pasil which has no registered program. With the grace of God, DB Pasil had its UTPRAS registration of Machining NCII last September 22, 2017. The other programs like Dressmaking NCII, Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing NCII, Automotive Servicing NCII, SMAW NCII, Technical Drafting NCII and Wood Furniture Finishing NCII will hopefully follow suit.
The SHS TVL Project got a big boost and good news from the Philippine Education Conference held in SMX last November 28-29, 2017. Our SHS TVL Project is having big a problem with the deliverable of the number of students served. In one of the SHS TVL Policy Statements, we assumed that our TVET Centers can be Technical Laboratories of DepEd SHS Public Schools which did not happened.
Nationwide we will have our first SHS graduates this 2018, and DepEd has already in mind the SHS TVL Joint Delivery Program which is exactly what we have assumed in our SHS TVL Policy statements. We are now awaiting the Implementing Rules and Regulations as regards the SHS TVL Joint Delivery Program. This is similar to the SHS Voucher System but it is called SHS TVL Joint Delivery Program. We are encouraging all Technical Directors to make inquiries on this as soon as possible.