DB1TVET Goes to Bangkok: Don Bosco Tech ASEAN Annual Meeting 2022
Bangkok, Thailand – The annual meeting for Don Bosco Tech ASEAN was held last August 30 to September 2 and was attended by officials from different Don Bosco Tech Institutes across South East Asia. Fr. Jose Dindo Vitug, SDB, the DB Tech ASEAN Coordinator and Executive Director of Don Bosco-One TVET (DB1TVET) Philippines, Inc., flew to Thailand to represent DB1TVET PH, together with Mr. Mark Carlos Tito Gumapon, FIN External Relations Officer of DB1TVET PH. Attending with them are the respective DB Tech ASEAN delegates, namely:
Fr. Gerard Ravasco, SDB (Cambodia)
Fr. Vincent Mai Anh Minh, SDB (Laos)
Fr. Bosco Win, SDB (Myanmar)
Fr. Saw Thi Han Lwin Charles, SDB (Myanmar)
Fr. Paul Nguyen Hong Tin, SDB (Vietnam)
Bro. Ephrem Santos, SDB (Indonesia)
Bro. Amilcar Da Silva, SDB (Timor Leste)
Mr. Francis Wichai (Thailand)

(From left to right) Fr. Saw Thi Han Lwin Charles, SDB, Bro. Ephrem Santos, SDB, Bro. Amilcar Da Silva, SDB, Fr. Paul Nguyen Hong Tin, SDB, Fr. Gerard Ravasco, SDB, Fr. Jose Dindo Vitug, SDB, Fr. Vincent Mai Anh Minh, SDB, Fr. Bosco Win, SDB, Mr. Francis Wichai, Mr. Tito Gumapon
Fr. Joseph Phuoc Nguyen, SDB (Vietnam), the Regional Councilor for East Asia – Oceania shared reflections through a video message on TVET, emphasizing it as very Salesian in nature. The overview and introduction about DB TECH ASEAN were also discussed, including the new delegates’ orientation and presentation of the project overview to Fr. Vincent Mai Anh Minh, SDB (Laos), Fr. Paul Nguyen Hong Tin, SDB (Vietnam), and Bro. Amilcar Da Silva, SDB (Timor Leste). The agenda proper was then presented including the updates from each delegate.
Followed by the evaluation of DB Tech ASEAN Phase 1 for 2019-2021, discussing the overall objectives and explaining the OECD DAC which has defined six evaluation criteria – relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability. The discussion continued as they tackled the development and strengthening of the network from the local, national, regional, and international levels. The project benefits of the Tracer Study were also pointed out during the discourse. To close this agenda, the representatives had the evaluation for the DB Tech ASEAN Phase 1.

Day 1: A quick tour around Don Bosco Technological College, Bangkok, Thailand

Day 2: Don Bosco TECH ASEAN: Discussion on Vision and Goals
Day 2 of the annual DB Tech ASEAN meeting covered the Vision and Goals. From strategic planning, to seting the DB Tech ASEAN identity. The Vision and Goals were discussed through an interactive meta-card activity. Afterward, strengthening and possible networking activities for the 2nd Phase both for the central office and the network activities were discussed and proposed.
On the 3rd and last day, a field trip and facility tour were conducted the delegates were able to visit the German Dual Vocational Education and Training facility, Pathumthani Brewery, and Training Center for the Blind for Inclusive Education Program.
