Don Bosco-One TVET’s Sustainable TVET Center Forum

The External Relations Officers (ERO) and Industry Liason Officers (ILO) across all 18 TVET centers were gathered for the Transformative ERO and ILO Towards Sustainable TVET center. This will help them develop their marketing strategies for finding and creating new business growth prospects. The event also featured activities to assist our EROs and ILOs in developing Marketing Campaigns to strengthen their social media assets and other marketing channels of each TVET center.


The participants gained valuable knowledge and experience in designing and producing marketing materials for TVET programs and courses. They learned how to use various tools and techniques to create appealing visual images that capture the attention and interest of the target audience. They also learned how to write effective copy that conveys the benefits and features of TVET in a clear and persuasive way. They applied their skills to different types of pub materials, such as flyers, posters, brochures, banners, and social media posts, for both online and offline channels.


Don Bosco One-TVET Philippines pledges to offer all of our Lay Mission Partners pertinent trainings and seminars so they can advance and gain more skills and information in order to establish sustainable TVET centers.


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