Promoting Health and Safety – Don Bosco TVET Centers head for ISO 45001:2018 Certification

Don Bosco – One TVET Philippines organized a webinar entitled “ISO 45001:2018 Awareness Course” last May 23, 2022 via Zoom. The online forum was facilitated by Ms. Romelia Mendina, an ISO consultant for Don Bosco – One TVET Philippines. ISO 45001 emphasizes on “Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems” and it discusses the standards regarding health and safety for the all employees, workers and stakeholders.

Attendees of the ISO 45001 Awareness Course were Don Bosco TVET Centers from Canlubang, Legaspi, Makati, and Naga.

The morning session, Ms. Mendina presents an introduction to ISO in general and ISO 45001. She emphasized the benefits of ISO 45001 to organizations – one, it can provide safe and healthy workspaces; two, it prevents work-related injury and ill health; and lastly, it will continually improve its Occupational Health and Safety performance. Ms. Mendina also shared the 10 clauses or the different requirements in the ISO standard.

In the afternoon, the session continued with a short workshop on risk and hazard identification and setting up controls appropriate for each risk or hazard that was brought out in the discussion. The webinar ended with the sharing of take ways and reflections from Lay Mission Partners from different Don Bosco TVET settings.

This webinar is the first step for the different Don Bosco TVET Centers whether to pursue ISO 45001:2018 certification.

Participants do their pose to close the webinar on ISO 45001:2018 Awareness

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